Dragon Age Origins Ser Gilmore Mod

So if you were thinking of playing Dragon age but have never really checked it out, or if you are a moderate to avid pc gamer and are interested in using Mods or specifically the Ser Gilmore NPC. Rather than let Warden's Keep go down as the Horse Armor DLC of 2009, BioWare has listened to the people and released an add-on that adds a storage chest to the party camp in Dragon Age: Origins. This obviously only applies to the PC version at the moment, but it wouldn't surprise me if something like this hits the console versions eventually, too. Oh, I love this mod. I have played with this mod for ages, and I don't play without it any more. I've gotten used to having him in my party. Also, you can use 'Farewell Ser Gilmore' alongside the Ser Gilmore companion mod. They don't have anything to do with each other and they don't conflict. (Some of the added dialogue fixes might, though.).

I created a new character,and when he got to Lothering, Rory was there,but he had no clothes on,he was bald,he had no dialogue,and when I moused over him,the words (all in lowercase) appeared over his head:ser_gilmore_lbc.The words are in white. Because I have the Morrigan Restoration Patch mod I also installed the Override- Overwrite Pack. Nothing changed.

I installed both dazips. Here is a list of my other mods:

Demons great hammer strength requirement. Universal Dye Kit

Dance Party
Qunari Update
Ser Gilmore NPC
IRS-Funeral Version-A
DL's Alistair Nightmare
Fergus Introduction
Optional Red-Gold Clothes for Alistair

Dragon Age Origins Ser Gilmore Mod 3

Dragon Age Origins Ser Gilmore Mod
Morrigan bug fix for Sleep Until Dawn
Rendezvous at the Tavern
Companion Compatibility Core

Dragon Age Origins Ser Gilmore Mod 4

Advanced Tactics
Dragon age origins ser gilmore mod 6
The Proposal/Extended King Proposal
The Last Night
Make Console Commands Visible
ZevRing DT
Dwarf Kisses
Human Female
Save Connor - No Fade
Fare ye well Duncan
A Hero's Sacrifice
Warden's Funeral

Dragon Age Origins Mod List

I don't have any mods from the incompatibility list. I checked. Please advise me. I'd really like have Rory in this playthrough. Thank you.

Dragon Age Origins Ser Gilmore Mods